
We gladly report about the following events of the Research Training Group. For more information, please click on the arrow on the right of the event description.

January 26th
One day recruiting event
October 7th-8th
Research retreat of the research training group
September 21st-22nd
Research retreat of the research training group
December 4th-5th
Continuation assessment of the research training group
October 1st-2nd
Research retreat of the research training group
June 25th
International Workshop on Energy Data and Analytics
ACM e-Energy Workshop 2019
May 27th
Energy Informatics: A current perspective
Lecturer: Richard Watson, University of Georgia
February 2nd
One day recruiting event
November 21st
Talk about the Research Training Group at the "Studieninformationstag: Uni für Einsteiger" (student information day)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klemens Böhm, Speaker of the Research Training Group
November 12th
Bandit Problems: Formulations and Applications
Lecturer: Junpei Komiyama, University of Tokyo, Japan
October 8.-10.
Research retreat of the research training group
September 17th
Battery Storage for Communities
Lecturer: Marnie Shaw, Australian National University
August 27th
Mobilizing Grid Flexibility for Renewables Integration through Topology Control and Dynamic Thermal Ratings
Lecturer: Shmuel Oren, University of California at Berkeley
July 16th
About Data Storytelling and ist Appliance to Happiness Analysis
Lecturer: Christoph Eick, University of Houston
July 2nd
Accelerated Load Disaggregation Performance Evaluations through Synthetic Consumption Trace Modeling
Lecturer: Dr. Andreas Reinhardt, Technische Universität Clausthal
June 12th
International Workshop on Energy Data and Analytics – ACM e-Energy Workshop 2018
April 26th
Girlsday 2018
April 4th
Workshop "Data Science for Engineers"
November 17th
Scientific Colloquium "Energy Informatics"
November 16th/17th
Fireside Chats
October 11.-13.
Research retreat of the research training group.
September 11.-15.
Summer School on Communication Technology and Data Analytics for Future Energy Systems
July 18th
Grand Challenges for Energy Analytics in the Energiewende
Lecturer: Steven Kimbrough, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
July 13th
Laststeuerung und Datenschutz im Microgrid
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erik Buchmann, Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig
April 27th
Girlsday 2017 – Workshop for the advancement of girls in technical topics.
April 21th
Edouard Fouché presents his poster "Development of Data Analysis Algorithms for the Pyrolysis Process" at the 2nd bioliq® Statuskolloquium at FTU of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
March 3rd
Visit at RDK8 – The graduates visited the RDK 8 (Rheinhafen-Dampfkraftwerk) in Karlsruhe
January 27th
Learning over high dimensional data streams
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Eirini Ntoutsi, Leibniz Universität, Hannover
November 29th
Real-Time Strategies for an EV Fleet Aggregator to Provide Ancillary Services
Lecturer: Matías Negrete Pincetic and Daniel Olivares Quero, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
November 7th
Inauguration colloquium of the research-training group
November 2nd
Visit of a seminar on Scientific Writing
September 29.-30.
Research retreat of the research training group
September 1st
Philipp Staudt speaks at OR2016 Hamburg External Link on
"Simulation-based Data Selection and Reduction for Battery Degradation Modeling in Electric Vehicles"
July 29th
Field trip of the Research Training Group graduates to bioliq® at Campus North.
June 21st
Visit at the Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)
May 13th
Klemens Böhm presents the research training group to the Steering Committee Energy of the KIT.
May 3rd
A first meeting of the graduates with the speaker of the program has taken place.
May 1st
The research-training group officially starts.
March 21st
One-day recruiting event
A one-day recruiting event has taken place. The principal investigators have been impressed with the quality of the applicants who have been present.
November 6th
DFG-Proposal for research training group "Energy Status Data" accepted!
Our proposal submitted to DFG for a research training group "Energy Status Data - Informatic Methods for its Collection, Analysis and Exploitation" has been accepted!