“Fireside Chats”
The Research Training Group “Energy Status Data -- Informatics Methods for its Collection, Analysis and Exploitation” gives you the opportunity to individually talk to renowned scientists, all female, on life and career planning in academia. We make this offer to all students at the Bachelor or Master level, PhD students or young scientists from any discipline, be they male or female or other. This event has already happened in the past, with very positive feedback by the participants.
The next chat will take place on June 26th 2023, with Prof. Clara Stegehuis from the University of Twente (NL); the exact timing will depend on the number of individuals who are interested. Other chats will take place at various dates throughout the next two years, on the premises of KIT Campus South. We will update this page accordingly.
If you are interested:
If you are interested in participating in the fireside chats, be it the one on June 26th, be it at some other date, please contact sekretariat boehm ∂does-not-exist.ipd kit edu.